How many times a day should you feed a cat

How many times a day should you feed a cat?

Nutrition is essential for your cat’s growth. This furry friend is a true carnivore that requires a diet rich in proteins and low in carbohydrates to stay healthy. Dry food, wet food, and healthy homemade meals are the most common options available.

If your cat is used to going outside, it will hunt small rodents and birds to sustain itself.

If not, it will rely solely on what you provide at home, according to your preferences. The frequency of meals is important, as cats eat in small portions. The question is: how many times a day should you feed a cat?

What is the frequency of a cat’s meals?

Cats love to eat multiple times a day. However, it’s important to know that although cats eat small amounts, the frequency is 10 to 16 meals per day, sometimes more if your cat is particularly greedy and voracious.

That’s why most cat owners leave a bowl of food available all day and night. The amount of dry food left out depends on the cat’s appetite. Many people monitor their cat’s diet by adding small portions to the bowl, while others tend to fill it up so their cat can eat freely, like in a buffet. The latter option is preferable to ensure your feline is always satisfied according to its needs, but in a rationed amount. There’s no need to fill the bowl to the brim.

The minimum frequency is two to three meals per day.

Cat’s diet

Now that you know how many times a day you can feed a cat, it’s important to understand its typical diet. If you have a recently weaned kitten, it’s recommended to choose kitten wet food along with small, moistened, and crushed dry food.

Adult cats can eat dry food to exercise their jaws. However, we do not recommend dry food if your cat does not drink much water, as it could cause kidney problems. Always place a bowl of fresh water near the food.

Homemade food is also an excellent alternative. You can give your cat meat, fish fillets, rice, pasta, vegetables, and chicken several times a day in small quantities.

Average daily food quantity

Another question is how much food to offer per day. If you are not home all day, you can leave a portion until you return. A cat eats about 40 to 50 grams of food per kilogram of body weight.

For example, if your cat weighs four kilograms, you should leave 160 to 200 grams of food during your absence. You can mix dry food, wet food, and meat to provide a healthy diet for your furry friend.

When to feed a cat?

It’s essential to feed a cat one or more times a day according to a distinct schedule. However, it’s also important to know when to feed a cat. If you have a small kitten, you can offer four meals a day:

  • Morning around 7 or 8 AM;
  • Noon around 12 PM to maintain energy levels for the afternoon;
  • Evening around 5 or 6 PM to sustain energy until bedtime;
  • Night before bedtime around 10 PM to ensure it is full.

From six months old, you can reduce to two meals a day, one in the morning and one in the evening. If you notice your cat looking for food, you can add a meal at noon or around 4 PM.

Does a cat eat every day?

The answer is yes. However, a cat can go several days without eating in extreme cases. Cats are originally wild animals. Their hunting past allows them to search for food all day without finding anything to eat.

However, this does not apply to kittens, which are too young to fend for themselves and go more than a day without eating.

It is also important to note that domestic cats and street cats behave differently.

For example, an indoor cat can go without eating for up to 48 hours without affecting its health. Outdoor cats can go several days without food.

Water, however, is more important. It is dangerous for your pet’s health to be without water for more than 10 hours. This doesn’t mean you should leave your cat without food all day, but if you need to leave for two days and forget to fill its bowl, it won’t be fatal.

Why is it better to feed your cat only once a day?

A Canadian study has shown that it is not necessary to feed a cat multiple times a day. Indeed, this study from the University of Guelph in Southwestern Ontario encourages cat owners to offer food only once a day.

Of course, the study states that it is essential to consider different factors about the feline, such as its age and physical activity.

To confirm this, two groups of cats were created: one group fed once a day and the other group fed multiple times a day.

The conclusion was that the cats in the first group had an increase in amino acid concentration, equivalent to the effects of intermittent fasting in humans. They are therefore healthier than the cats in the other group, which had multiple meals a day.

In any case, it is always advisable to consult your veterinarian about your cat’s diet. They know your cat’s history and specific needs, such as a sensitive digestive system or the need for a special diet due to dental issues.

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