cat after used aerokat

AeroKat inhaler for cats: review and usage tips

What is AeroKat? What is our opinion on this inhalation chamber designed for cats? How to use it and how to acclimate the cat to its regular use?

Here’s everything you need to know about the AeroKat inhaler for cats.

AeroKat Inhaler in Brief

aerokat inhaler

The AeroKat is an inhalation chamber for cats designed to treat asthma in cats. This inhalation chamber adapts human inhaler systems for use specifically with cats. AeroKat is also used to treat allergic rhinitis and chronic bronchitis in cats.

Effective treatment of a cat’s asthma is impossible without an aerosol chamber. Aerosols from medications would otherwise deposit on the cat’s mucous membranes and fail to reach its respiratory tract without this specific chamber.

Targeted therapy for respiratory diseases is essential to ensure optimal daily living conditions for your cat and to maintain its best possible health.

Composition of the AeroKat Inhaler for Cats

The AeroKat inhaler for cats consists of two inhalation masks that cover the cat’s nasal and oral areas without covering its eyes.

AeroKat also includes an inhalation valve that is sensitive and offers low resistance, allowing for low-volume breathing. Additionally, the device features an antistatic chamber where aerosols of asthma medication are sprayed. This chamber is crucial as it enables the cat to fully inhale the aerosols.

At the other end, AeroKat allows the attachment of most inhalers on the market (do not use powder inhalers) to spray the medication into the chamber.

How to Administer Inhalations to Your Cat with AeroKat

Using the AeroKat inhaler for cats is quite simple. Place the inhalation mask over the cat’s muzzle, covering its nostrils and mouth with the mask.

Next, spray aerosols into the AeroKat inhalation chamber and allow the cat to breathe normally into the mask several times. With five to six breaths, it can inhale the contents of the chamber and benefit from asthma treatment in a simple and non-invasive manner.

It’s essential to coordinate the spray trigger with the cat’s inhalation of aerosols to optimize treatment administration and ensure daily medication intake.

Always position the AeroKat inhaler before spraying aerosols into the inhalation chamber.

Our Opinion on the AeroKat Inhaler for Cats

So, what is our opinion on the AeroKat inhaler for cats? Is the inhalation chamber truly effective?

Honestly, we expected a struggle with treating our cat. However, AeroKat is straightforward to use. It requires a brief adaptation period for your feline friend, but after some use, the effects are noticeable. Note that the AeroKat is quite affordable, especially when purchased on Amazon (prices can easily double at the veterinarian).

Simple and Quick Inhalation for Cats

AeroKat is very user-friendly. Simply position the inhaler on the cat’s muzzle and trigger it. Your feline will then inhale the aerosols.

The coordination between the spray trigger and the cat’s inhalation of aerosols is crucial. It ensures effective treatment administration and daily medication intake.

Always position the AeroKat inhaler before spraying aerosols into the inhalation chamber.

Breathing Control with the Green Light Indicator

The green light indicator on the AeroKat inhaler allows you to monitor proper product inhalation by your pet. This ensures everything goes smoothly and lets you count the cat’s breaths to ensure it inhales its treatment properly. This green light indicator is essential for effective treatment administration!

Reduced Coughing in Cats within Days

Over time, thanks to the use of the inhaler for cats, we noticed a significant change in our cat. It coughs much less than before! Moreover, using AeroKat helps prevent asthma attacks in cats and mitigates them when they occur. This results in a healthier and more active cat thanks to this specific medical treatment.

Can AeroKat be Used on All Cats?

This inhaler model is suitable for most cats. Of course, depending on whether your cat is used to receiving treatments or not, applying this treatment may be more or less straightforward.

However, you can safely use AeroKat on a kitten or even a Maine Coon. The package includes different-sized adapters for this purpose.

Can AeroKat be Used on a Dog?

Do you have a dog with asthma too? Depending on its size, you can use this model or opt for AeroDawg instead. The principle is similar, but this inhaler is more suitable for dogs over 10 kg with a larger reservoir and appropriately sized adapters.

Alternatives to AeroKat: Affordable Inhalers for Cats

We chose AeroKat because our veterinarian recommended it. However, there are other inhalers for cats that are equally useful!

Here are two alternatives to AeroKat that work on the same principle and can be used with Ventolin or your pet’s medication.

The Free-Breath inhaler for cats operates on the same model as AeroKat. It features a similar composition and a small valve to control breathing.

The advantage of this inhaler is its significantly lower price compared to AeroKat!

This inhaler, also from Free-Breath, has the lowest price. It lacks the breathing control valve, but it is equally effective.

How to Tell if Your Cat Has Asthma?

In cats, asthma manifests as respiratory difficulties such as coughing or wheezing.

An asthmatic cat appears lethargic, with symptoms worsening with exertion or stress. Asthma in cats can also take a chronic form with intermittent acute crises.

Acclimating Your Cat to AeroKat

In general, the signs are similar to those in humans. Asthma attacks in cats can be quite dramatic!

In any case, asthma in cats requires a veterinary consultation. No test can diagnose a cat’s asthma; only the symptoms can do so.

How to Acclimate Your Cat to Inhalations?

Regular use will help your cat get used to inhalations with AeroKat. However, it’s essential to give your cat time to adapt and become familiar with this new tool.


  • Introduce AeroKat and its silicone adapter. Do nothing more.
  • After several days of repeated introductions, bring the adapter closer to the cat’s muzzle without forcing it.
  • Allow the cat to touch the AeroKat inhaler adapter, gradually increasing the contact time.
  • When your cat seems comfortable with the adapter on its muzzle, introduce the entire tool without inserting the medication.
  • Reward your cat when it approaches and breathes into the AeroKat inhaler.
  • Insert the medication into AeroKat and start treating your cat’s asthma in earnest.

The inhaler’s sound may startle your cat initially, so take time to reassure it. Using this technique, you can administer the inhaler without stressing your cat, making the process less stressful for both of you!

Frequently Asked Questions about AeroKat

My Cat is Afraid of the Inhaler, What Should I Do?

If your cat is not accustomed to receiving treatments, it may reject them. It’s essential to give it time to get used to the inhaler.

Leave it nearby for several days and reintroduce the silicone adapter to it.

My Cat Refuses to Breathe in AeroKat, What Should I Do?

If your cat really refuses to use AeroKat, you can try another method. Gently restrain it by holding its neck scruff or wrapping it in a towel, then use the inhaler. Don’t forget to reward it with its favorite treats.

How to Clean the Inhaler?

To clean the inhaler, remove the silicone adapter and let the different parts soak in warm water for a few minutes. Gently scrub them with a little dish soap, then rinse thoroughly with clean water and let them dry completely. It’s crucial to ensure all parts are perfectly dry before reassembling AeroKat.

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